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Another late winner with an interesting post-match… By: Max Bygraves 11/09/2024
2 1
League 10/09/2024
2024-2025 Attendance: 1207 (54)

This article has been viewed 474 times.

“Tonight could really be one where we question life choices.” A message in the WhatsApp group just before leaving the house for a midweek clash in the lashing rain against Altrincham. Fair, I’d say.

Some would say it was too late for questions already as the keys went in the ignition. By 10 o’clock, all decisions very much vindicated and a return journey with a smile, but this wasn’t the most mouth watering of prospects in utterly dismal conditions.

Maybe not mouth-watering, but water was certainly everywhere. The usual, slow midweek traffic-trudge to our North West London outpost, windscreen wipers at a pace. As usual, I’d also not given myself enough time. This combined with the torrential rain meant a gentle jog to the turnstiles was required to keep dry-ish, and make kick off.

Barnet playing at home in such conditions, on a Tuesday, when England were playing almost within sight at Wembley - not a recipe for a great crowd. It felt like three figures or a very low four, accounting for absent season ticket holders. I’ll go with Dean Brennan’s 900 figure as about right, rather than the published 1207.

Saying that, the youngsters in Block E/F really made a good fist of creating some noise and an atmosphere from the word go. It’s been a lot quieter with more sizeable numbers, so credit due to those involved.

I accept the tone of this so far doesn’t read like a game we got three points from. Even more mindful of this having seen the post-match interview! It was an evening that got better as it progressed, but if we’re going chronologically, there’s more to dampen the mood.

After a fairly unremarkable start from both teams, it was Altrincham who opened the scoring. On fourteen minutes, the man of many identities and in one of his previous lives, a former Bee, ‘Justin’ (as his shirt said) put the visitors in front. Some might say it was a sweeping move, but it all looked a bit easy. One of those where the goal felt inevitable some seconds before the final ball in was even played.

Despite recalling Joe Grimwood from Braintree that morning and chucking him straight in, defensive frailties still apparent. Nothing on the big defender for this goal, though. A collectively disappointing moment.

His recall is an interesting one given it’s quite apparent he doesn’t fit the ‘ball playing centre back’ mould we appear to want to use. He’s also been on loan at a team notorious for playing long ball, so unlikely to have cultivated any of those skills in the interim. Either way, I can smell a bit of cult hero potential here. Kind of Matt Redmile (Lite) vibes. I’m deadly serious when I say that’s meant as a compliment - I look forward to watching his Barnet career develop with interest.

Anyway, Harrison Chapman turned the tide. We very clearly have a serious player on our hands here and he showed this with an accomplished finish to level things on twenty-seven minutes. Another fine, free flowing goal. Ping from Glover, through ball from Brunt, take and finish from Chapman. Simply lovely.

Things had definitely got better as the half went on. Level at the break, it felt like we were ever so slightly in the ascendency against an unpredictable opposition. Altrincham were relatively slow starters last year before coming good. Based on a mixed start so far, similar may be required from them if they want to make the play offs once more.

Into the second half, the rain began to finally ease but improved conditions didn’t particularly improve entertainment levels. Both sides made a few changes but good chances were at a premium at either end.

Such was the slightly turgid nature of the first half of the second half, my accomplice and I began to notice the player numbers on the back of the shirts had several inconsistencies. Mark Shelton’s thick 1 and skinny 9 appeared from different letter sets. And don’t get us started on the different variations of 3 on the shirts of Grimwood and Cropper. A fun game for you there, next time the action goes a little quiet. What do you mean, “nerds!”

Shirt detail aside, the introduction of Cropper was an interesting one. A player whose importance in the group has seemingly diminished, given very limited involvement this term. I would be lying if I said his arrival was met with too much enthusiasm from our seats, but he did go on to have an impact in a fairly advanced role - not just from throw ins.

With twenty minutes to go, there was almost an assist with his feet for Cropper, when his lay off was met by the incoming Shelton. A superb low save from the visiting keeper, with lightning reactions, denied Barnet the lead. We were very much knocking on the door by now though and more frustration came ten minutes later when a big penalty call was ignored.

Rhys Browne had been introduced for his long-awaited debut. He looked lively after his lay off. Keeping him fit now could prove incredibly important, especially whilst still Kabamba-less.

Sure enough, as the clock ticked to the midway point of the allotted stoppage time, it was the aforementioned subs who stole the headlines.

Jordan Cropper launched a trademark long throw (taken nowhere near where the ball went out of play by the way, which was an added bit of fun) and it was met by the head of Rhys Browne. A great debut moment to win the game at the death. We don’t mind a last minute, midweek winner, do we?

Despite it feeling like the end, there was still time for Altrincham to miss an unbelievable sitter in the closing seconds. Their fans will have replayed that all the way back up north and be wondering how they came away empty handed. A late corner with their huge keeper in the mix produced nothing and following two additional minutes on the time given, the whistle went and the 100% home record was maintained.

The usual Depeche Mode clap along at the end was followed by an almost awkward silence as the players finished their huddle and received their further applause from those of us who stayed in the ground. Note to the tannoy man, if Rhys Browne scores a winner again, after Depeche Mode, reach for the Paul Johnson. It’s all very easy.

A smile-inducing ending to the evening came on the walk back to the car. My friend’s son had brought a mate along for the first time. We got some wide-eyed quizzing on the waiting list (“queue”) for a Barnet season ticket before the excited disbelief that they’re not all that hard to obtain. Next thing, the young lad is on the phone to his mother: “You need to get me a season ticket!”

Having reminisced at the start of the game of our own youth taking mates to Underhill to seemingly always then see a dire game, it’s nice to think a rainy Tuesday night against Altrincham might be the start of it all for another poor soul getting the bug.

Hopefully a chance to build some momentum with another home game this Saturday. Important we win again before hopefully taking that kind of form on the road to Ruislip. Let’s make that the away game where it all clicks in a week and a half’s time.

I was going to sign off there, but as alluded to earlier, saw Dean Brennan’s post-match interview just before sending to my editor. Not what I expected after a victory. Whilst some of his frustrations can be appreciated, personally unsure this is the right approach to get more people through the turnstiles - by having a go at the small number in attendance already. For me, not sure this matches the ‘togetherness’ message in the way the message was conveyed.

As stated above, the atmosphere in the main stand was overwhelmingly positive and the fans stuck with the team. I can’t speak for what happened over the far side, but this is a very small number of fans. We’ve got more pressure attached to us this year with the favourites tag and dealing with that and raised expectations is part of managing successfully.

I’m all for seeing passion from the manager and I can appreciate leading Barnet may often seem a thankless task at times. However, my feeling would be you’ve got to rise above a very small percentage of people delivering criticism - in the ground or online. Football fandom has changed a lot with social media’s influence. It opens up the door to all sorts of nonsense, but it’s got to be blocked out and managed. From what I can see online, barring the odd meltdown some have after a loss, the consensus is pretty positive towards the team and manager.

One thing I will pull him up on is questioning people complaining about the quality of the beer and service at The Hive. This is absolutely a hill I’m prepared to die on and I’m sure others are too. Pre-pour for everyone’s sake, including Dean Brennan!

A little footnote, we’ve won both our midweek fixtures in the last minute at home so far. On both occasions, a legendary Barnet striker in attendance as a fan has made a dash for an early exit with us still level. He knows what he needs to do going forward!

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11/09/2024 Moments & Reactions
01/09/2024 Lambs To The Slaughter
29/08/2024 Harry Pritchard
27/08/2024 Miserable Monday
25/08/2024 A Great Philosopher Once Wrote
21/08/2024 Late Is Great
13/06/2024 How It All Began
13/05/2024 Togetherness
29/04/2024 Outfought, Outthought, Out Of Ideas

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15/09/2024 Routine
11/09/2024 Moments & Reactions
01/09/2024 Lambs To The Slaughter
29/08/2024 Harry Pritchard
27/08/2024 Miserable Monday
25/08/2024 A Great Philosopher Once Wrote
21/08/2024 Late Is Great
13/06/2024 How It All Began
07/06/2024 A Barnet Story
13/05/2024 Togetherness

  All materials on this site copyright Downhill Second Half and its individual authors. Content may not be reproduced without prior written permission. Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

Club crests, player images, and company logos are the property of their respective owners. They are included in this website for reference purposes only./span>